All are welcome!
We meet at 10 am on the first and third Sundays of each month,
September through May, at the Methow Valley Community Center in Twisp.
The Methow Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship was launched in 1998 by Virginia and Jerry Sparling who moved to the valley and missed their former connection to the East Shore UU Church in Bellevue, Washington.
Virginia earned a theology degree at Seattle University and became our minister. She passed away in 2012. Since then, we have relied on local speakers and ministers from other churches, mainly from western Washington UU churches, for our Sunday services.
We are a supportive community of individuals with a common interest in a free search for truth and meaning in a very diverse, often confusing and ever-evolving world.
Many of us have been disappointed by the religions or belief systems we grew up with and thus appreciate a community that encourages individuals to freely explore options and to consciously choose a path that is most meaningful to them.
We do not ask anyone to subscribe to a creed. We keep our minds open to the religious questions people have struggled with in all times and places and to the variety of answers that have unfolded over time with respect to life, death, the world, and its mysteries. We believe people should be encouraged to think for themselves about these matters and to use their personal life experiences and their heart as they search for understanding of that mystery that pervades our existence.
We welcome individuals of all races, ages, sexual orientation, abilities, culture, and religious background.
In addition to our Sunday fellowship gatherings, we have other social get togethers and also service projects.
Circle Dinners, usually once per quarter, hosted at the homes of individuals.
Our annual membership brunch in April or May.
A service project of litter pick up on a section of Highway 20.
Service projects with Room One and The Cove Foodbank.
Want an opportunity to use your talents? Here are committees in which members are of service:
- · Music
- · Hospitality
- · Children’s program
- · Social action
- · Program
- · Publicity
- · Social support
- · Finance
- · membership